This is a really easy recipe. Also works great with nonfat sweetened condensed milk and a reduced fat pie crust. Great topped with whipped topping or baked...
Very rich. Don't eat this if you are planning to go to heaven. Go all-out and top each slice with a big dollop of whipped cream. Please note, this pie...
This is the best cold rhubarb dessert recipe I've found, and it's so easy. I have to give thanks to Nikki for adapting this recipe! Even my son who dislikes...
This is a restaurant style strawberry glazed pie. Fresh berries are tossed with a glaze, and then chilled until serving time. This is also good made with...
A luxurious, rich dessert that induces happiness in all who try it...called Mari's Dessert in honor of my sister-in-law who loves it. Garnish with shaved...
Traditional pie with creamy chocolate and airy rum layers. This one is livened up by a walnut and graham cracker crust. You can use orange-flavored liqueur...
Makes excellent banana, coconut, or chocolate cream pie. This was given to me by a friend many years ago. For banana slice a layer of bananas in pie pan...
Strawberry flavored gelatin with pineapple, folded together with whipped topping in a graham cracker crust. Come up with variations of your own by using...
This is a great recipe for a sweet tooth, takes no time, and is a healthier dessert option. This recipe is made to be eaten right after it's made. Do not...
Our mother, Ella Rose Heath Clark, used to make this pie for my brother, Deni. It was always his favorite. I share it in her loving memory. Strawberries...
This simple recipe can be served as is in a graham crust or you can dress it up with a strawberry or peach glaze. Either way, a little Cool Whip or whipped...
This pie has a light peanut butter taste and is visually pleasing. It is very easy to put together. You can make it the day before you need it because...
Chocolate pie. Please note this pie uses raw eggs which should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, or the elderly. Be sure to use only fresh eggs...
Cream cheese and whipped topping folded together make this no-bake pie light and fluffy. This is a quick and easy dessert. For endless variations, use...
This is one of my family's favorite recipes. My boys call it 'Mom's Secret Chocolate Pie Recipe' and request it at every family gathering! I always make...
This creamy pie with a coconut meringue topping is a tradition in my family. My grandmother started making this pie one Christmas and it was a standby...
Fresh cherries in an easy no bake pie. Top with whipped topping. Chocolate fans may want to try using a prepared chocolate cookie crumb crust for this...
This recipe uses half cooked and half fresh blueberries for a yummy flavor. My family has enjoyed this for over 30 years. I'm proud to say my 'kids' 2...
My grandmother made this pie every year for Thanksgiving. She would make it with a homemade pie crust, but I love it with a graham cracker crust. Either...